How much does personal training at Elite Training Cost?
“One of the most common questions we get is how much does it cost for personal training? Well, here at Elite Training, we believe it is not a cost at all. Personal training is investing in you and investing in you is one of the most important things you can do to enhance your life. We only get 1 body to carry us through this life. Exercise is real health insurance. When asked about prices, prices can vary greatly based on options. It can be as low as 30 dollars per session and upto 60 dollars per session.”
What if I don’t like my trainer?
“Sometimes people worry about what happens if they don’t like their trainer or if they do not connect. Well here at Elite Training you are not signing up with a specific trainer, you are signing up with our personal trainer family. We are going to assign you a trainer based on your goals, schedule, and even personality. But if you ever want to try another trainer we have a large team to help you feel like you have the best fit for your goals.”
Do you test?
“When clients train with us we are not just going to train for a month and hope for results. We are going to start off by setting a baseline and testing units of measurements. We are going to check your weight and measurements, it only takes a second , and a few simple fit tests. Each month we are going to retest the metrics in our app. Elite Training app is going to start graphing your results. So if we hit a stall point, we know to make adjustments and keep progress going. We use scientific and goal oriented process to maximize efficiency and effectiveness”
What does a typical training session look like?
“For a typical personal training session here at Elite Training we like our clients to show up 5 or 10 minutes early, get situated and start their warmup. We would like maximum time on the floor with each of our clients and then we are going to move to a custom programme that’s perfect for your situation and your goals. We are not here to see how much you can lift and punish you. We are partners with you to help you achieve your best results.”
What happens to my session if I’m out of town?
“What happens to sessions when someone’s out of town or has to miss a personal training session? Well as long as we have a 24 hour notice, you keep that session, it stays in your bank to be made up at any time.”
What sets Elite Training apart from others?
“When somebody asks me what sets us apart here at Elite Training I'd have to say that we have a passion for fitness and we truly want to help people. All of the personal trainers are fitness professionals, they love what they do. We supply everything you need to be successful: the motivation, knowledge, and the accountability to help you become the best version of yourself. We care more about our client’s health and lifestyle. Our client's satisfaction and results are our main driving force ensuring they have an Elite experience! Our amazing group of trainers is the heartbeat of Elite Training- our trainers are Life Changers. Trainers at Elite Training provide workouts and programs that are client specific and completely custom. Nutrition guidance and accountability is a focus, while client progress is consistently measured monthly via measurements and weighing. Our trainers always carry and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects Elite Training's core values which is to be the best place to become the best you.”
Is this a membership?
“When you sign up here at Elite Training you are not getting a membership. We don’t offer memberships at all. We offer private personal training inside of our private facilities. People just can not walk in here off the street and workout. Actually, the only people who are working out are our clients who are here meeting with their trainer by appointment. It’s not like you are signing up for 6 months and then your card stops working you have to re-sign up. Here you are pre paying for sessions. We can decide together how many times a week you want to come. In these sessions, guess what if you have to cancel as long as you give us a 24 hour notice you keep that which means you can make up for these sessions later. They roll over.”
How can I pay?
“When clients sign up with Elite Training , there are three different ways to pay. Some people but not many, pay in full and there is a savings with that. Most people make monthly payments on credit card or debit card on ourpay which comes out each month. The other option is bi-weekly payments ,so every other week.”
What about nutrition?
“The foundation of any health and fitness chain starts with nutrition. You can workout 7 days per week for two hours per day and if you do not eat according to your goals, then you will not get the results. Here at Elite Training we take that seriously. Nutrition coaching starts upon sign up with our new client booklet which covers nutrition basics. Your first session, you are going to get some complimentary time on us so we can talk about nutrition and strategize for your situation. Then our nutrition coaching is on going.”
What is the workout schedule like?
“We would like to have consistency here at Elite Training but that is for your sake, for the client’s sake, we want to be the stable rock. The more consistency we have. We can also be flexible. If you have meetings or trips coming up we can plan around that .And if you have to miss a session as long as we have a 24 hourr notice we can make that session up later.”