Need a metabolism boost? Body composition, gender, hormones, activity level, genetic makeup, and age are some of the factors that determine our metabolism. Some metabolism influencers—like muscle mass, diet, and activity level—are in your control and easily influenced by making healthy choices. Other metabolism influencers—like genetics and age—can’t be altered. If you’re desiring to lose weight and tone up, it’s time to rev up your metabolism by increasing activity level and muscle mass so you can enjoy the benefits of increasing your metabolism.
Need a metabolism boost? Body composition, gender, hormones, activity level, genetic makeup, and age are some of the factors that determine our metabolism. Some metabolism influencers—like muscle mass, diet, and activity level—are in your control and easily influenced by making healthy choices. Other metabolism influencers—like genetics and age—can’t be altered. If you’re desiring to lose weight and tone up, it’s time to rev up your metabolism by increasing activity level and muscle mass so you can enjoy the benefits of increasing your metabolism.
Rev up your metabolism and enjoy these benefits:
- Burn more calories
- Protect your body from common diseases
- Decrease signs of aging
How to know you need to rev up your metabolism
If you have challenges with any of the following, it is likely you need to do something to boost your metabolism:
- Chronic fatigue
- Difficulty sleeping through the night
- Mood disorders such as anxiety or depression
- Frequent urination
- Difficulty with weight loss
- Brain fog
- Low energy
- Decreased motivation to exercise
How to rev up your metabolism
1. Build muscle mass by lifting weights
A proven metabolism booster is lifting weights to increase muscle mass. Since muscles burn more calories than fat, the more you build muscle, the more your metabolism increases. Lifting weights and additional types of resistance training are key to building lean muscle mass. The great news is that building muscle increases the amount of metabolic output you need throughout your whole day.
2. Add burst training to your workouts
Any type of regular exercise will help rev up your metabolism, but high-intensity workouts are more effective than slow, steady workouts. Exercise, such as burst training—which consists of intervals between extreme effort and short rest periods—helps you burn calories even after your workout! The fact that you can spend less time and burn more calories makes this a beneficial choice.
Burst training can be done on a stationary bike, on a treadmill, or even a mini trampoline. Think about how efficient this form of exercise can be to your overall workout routine! The opportunity it gives you to enjoy the benefits of burning calories after you leave the gym makes the time and energy investment well worth it. Burn more fat throughout the day by adding high-intensity training to your gym routine.
3. Get quality sleep consistently
In order for your metabolism to function at its peak, you must get adequate sleep consistently. Lack of sleep is linked to lack of weight loss because when you are fatigued, your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. Healthy sleep of between 7 and 9 hours helps keep hormones functioning properly and influences healthy metabolism. Lack of adequate sleep is connected to high cortisol levels and causes unwanted weight gain.
4. Stand more often
Sitting is “the new smoking,” so do all you can to stand more often, and you’ll burn more calories and boost metabolism. Long periods of sitting burn less calories and lead to weight gain. If your occupation requires a lot of sitting, consider investing in a stand-up desk and burn more calories throughout the day while using more muscles to stand. If a stand-up desk isn’t an option, at least set a timer and get up each hour to increase your activity level and circulation. Avoid sitting for long periods of time, and your metabolism will naturally increase.
5. Get fat-burning help from healthy foods
Your body has to work harder at breaking down and metabolizing fat-burning foods. Here are a few metabolism boosting tips that can create small changes to enhance the other metabolism-boosting efforts you’re already making.
- Take in ample amounts of protein throughout the day including fish, eggs, beef, and chicken. Protein helps build lean muscle mass and stabilizes blood sugar throughout the day. And it takes more energy for your body to digest protein than it does carbohydrates.
- Take in moderate amounts of caffeine by drinking coffee or green tea. Green tea is a proven metabolism booster due to its antioxidant content.
- Garlic naturally revs up the metabolism and also helps lower blood sugar.
- Spices like cayenne pepper, cinnamon, black pepper, and ginger help the body burn fat with their antioxidant properties.
- Apple cider vinegar helps increase metabolism, aids digestion, and balances blood sugar. It can be taken in capsule form as well as liquid form. Delicious salad dressings can be made from apple cider vinegar and give a welcome zest to your salads.
- Coconut oil can help improve metabolism. Replace cooking fats with coconut oil for a lively taste and better metabolism boosting effects. Also, replacing butter with coconut oil will enhance your metabolism.
6. Avoid foods that cause inflammation
Foods that cause inflammation actually slow down digestion and increase free radical damage (the cause of aging). Metabolism slows when the body absorbs food that triggers adrenaline, which increases (fat storing) cortisol. Inflammatory foods are recognized by the body as toxins, so it’s wise to stay away from them while working at boosting metabolism in order to promote weight loss. Some inflammatory foods include:
- Sugary juices and sodas
- Processed foods
- Artificial sweeteners
- Refined vegetable oil
- Hormone-filled, non-organic meat
Elite Training Tulsa blends nutrition and exercise, and our personal trainers create a body transformation program for you so you can enjoy the lean, toned body you desire. We help people boost metabolism and decrease body fat with free weights, core training, and strength machines.
Our personal trainers emphasize good form to help you avoid injury so you can keep enjoying the benefits of a regular workout routine. We offer a variety of workouts keeping it interesting while your core gets strengthened and your body gets toned. Elite Training Tulsa works closely with you and your schedule to get the results you want safely and affordably. Get a FREE training session. Simply give us a call at (918) 771-0507.